“Self-Love” wasn’t a buzzing topic when I was growing up, neither was “Life Coach”. All I knew is that I was obsessed with understanding people and life. Why were there so many people around me that seemed miserable and stuck, unsatisfied and filled with regret? I was determined from a young age to find the answer, so I could live a happy and fulfilled life.
I started my research (didn’t realize that’s what it was at the time). I’d have conversations with anyone who would talk with me. Teachers, Family, Friends, Family and so forth.
“What’s your biggest regret in life?”
“What do you wish you knew earlier in life?”
“What’s one word of advice you’d give me while I’m young?”
The responses all consisted of things like…
“Do good in school so you can get into a good college and find a good job.”
“Don’t mess with men, focus on yourself!”
“Wait until your married to have sex so you don’t get pregnant!”
“Don’t do drugs!”
So that’s what I did! I based my life decisions around the feedback I received. It became my new moral compass to success and happiness.
I did great in school! Took college classes while I was still in high school, didn’t date heavily, chose to be celibate, stayed far away from drugs and graduated with my degree!
And even though these guidelines helped me stay out of a lot of trouble or from doing anything I might later regret, they were not the key to happiness or a great life.
Self-Love was that answer, self-love is the root of pure lifelong happiness and inner peace.
However, in order to find that for myself I had to get in tune with who I was at the core. Not who people told me I was or who I convinced myself I was and that’s what you must do too.
As a Self-Love Coach this is always the first thing, I help my clients with. To start this journey for yourself answer these questions:
(You can ask people close to you to help you out with these if needed, but make sure to only choose the ones that feel in alignment with yourself.)
What are 10 words to describe you?
What are your top 3 interests?
What are 5 of your strengths?
What are 5 of your weaknesses?
What’s your WHY for life? (Don’t include a career)
Pay attention to the trends you notice when going through this exercise, this will start to give you an ideal of who you are. And as you start paying attention to what brings you joy and what doesn’t daily you will become more in tune with who you are at the core.
After that I walk my clients through a personalized Self Love Road Map, which includes Healing your past, working through limiting beliefs, practicing gratitude and so much more.
Overall, Self-Love is a lifetime commitment, but deciding that you’re worth it is the hardest part.
If you want some help on your journey feel free to connect with me on Instagram @alyciamspeaks or visit my website www.alyciamarks.com.
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